International Wookiee Life Day on Kashyyk - 17.11.2022

Posted on 17 Nov 2022 11:44


Die-hard fans of the Star Wars saga are sure to have November 17 on their calendars as International Wookiee Life Day (often just Life Day for short). At least if they belong to the generation that was able to see the original trilogy in the cinema. For the rest of the galaxy far, far away, there is fortunately still the calendar of the curious holidays from all over the world, which brings some light into the darkness. What is this event from the Star Wars universe about?


Who created Wookiee Life Day?

Wookie Life Day in its current form is a genuine invention of the worldwide Star Wars fandom from 2009, making it another curious holiday from the galaxy far, far away, alongside Star Wars Day on May 4 and Talk Like Yoda Day. Of course, there's also a reference to August 19 as International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day.

Why does Wookiee Life Day fall on November 17?

For the first time, Star Wars fans proclaimed Wookiee Life Day on November 17, 2009. In doing so, the date went back to the 31st anniversary of the airing of the infamous Star Wars Holiday Special to hereby celebrate a "day of peace, a day of harmony."

In other words, the day was supposed to be an occasion to put on red Snuggies and get together with friends. Alcohol included. Attached is the original call from 2009, posted online by blogger fetts1138:

    The first annual World Wide Wookiee Life Day is planned for Nov. 17, the 31st anniversary of the Star Wars Holiday Special. Anniversary of the Star Wars Holiday Special. I will be hosting a special screening of The Holiday Special at my favorite cantina, but everyone is encouraged to do the same wherever they are. What really makes this event a great one is Snuggies! Yes, you may have noticed that the Wookiees in the Holiday Special are wearing their red Snuggies for the day of. Well, finally the technology on Earth has come to the point where we are able to successfully replicate this Wookiee technology. I can't think of a better way to officially kick off the holidays by getting together with some friends, having a few drinks, and wearing red blankets with sleeves to celebrate "a day of peace, a day of harmony. "
